Dropping The NYE Possum Drop

(Segment 1, 1/7/2023 Show)

Happy New Year 2023, Everybody! By now, the pomp and circumstance of the new year has most likely settled down, and hopefully you were able to participate in some sort of New Year’s Eve & Day traditions, whether big or small.

One small North Carolina town usually does just that, but with a celebration different than most. Enter the “Possum Drop” – a rallying town new-year celebration where a possum is safely placed inside a box and, much like the New York City crystal ball, descends to officially ring in the new year.

But that is changing! The NC Legislature has recently adopted new rules and language which closes loopholes allowing celebrations like this one to take place. Listen in to this segment of The Carolina Outdoors as the Outdoor Guys chat about the history and current status of the event! Learn more about this unique tradition which is coming to an end.