Resolve To Keep Adventuring Outside In 2023

(Segment 4, 1/7/2023 Show)

“Greeting cards have all been sent, the Christmas rush is through, but we still have one wish to make…” and that is to START DOING THINGS AND KEEP ADVENTURING OUTDOORS!

As we move into this new year of 2023, there is undoubtedly a whole host of things we all want to accomplish, maybe things that we didn’t accomplish last year, but also maybe maintaining some of the wonderful things we DID do in 2022.

Listen in to this segment of The Carolina Outdoors as the Outdoor Guys discuss ways to get outdoors, or at least get outside of a normal routine, and go on an adventure – whether that is running on a Greenway near the house, or hiking in a State Park an hour away, or exploring a National Park across the country!