It’s Summertime! Do you pick the Beach or the Mountains?

S2, July 5th, 2024

Charlotte Douglas International Airport expects 1.2 million passengers to pass through the terminals during the Independence Day holiday week.  However for those of us that stick close to the Carolinas it can bring forth a perplexing question.  Where would you rather spend time in the Carolina summer?  In the Mountains or At the Beach?
Bill Bartee, host of the Carolina Outdoors sponsored by Charlotte’s local outdoor outfitter, Jesse Brown’s, asked the question to the audience along with those that were watching via Facebook Live on the Jesse Brown’s page:

Here are some of the answers that came across via Facebook & text:

Charlie from Charlotte says—”mountains… golf, cooler water, & more to do.”
Martha from South Park area says—“beach, I like the sand, the ocean, & the breeze…plus more shopping”
Jim from Matthews says, “both” while Jim from Charlotte stated, “mountains.  I like the trout streams and hiking”
Sarah—”I’m older now–so I like relaxing with cooler weather and scenery.  Twenty years ago it would have been the beach”
anonymous said that they “dread the beach during the 4th:  crowded, traffic, towel to towel—people walking on your shit.  My beach time now is October”
Scott!  Has three kids and “I’m going there [beach].  It’s a family tradition and the beach is the perfect playground.  We’ve gone since I’m a kid and now I lead the charge that way.”
Sam!  Picks the beach…”cause I haven’t been there in a long time. Seafood, ice cream, putt putt & hanging with the ladies”
Annie loves the mountain because she “likes watching the fireworks from WAY above.  She looks forward to that every year.”
Tim—”I ain’t going no where.  No traffic, too expensive, and I don’t travel on holidays”
Alan–“Sliding rock in Brevard area is something that we’ve done for years.  A sore butt i& a wet beach towel s something that I look forward to after going there.”

One more reason to be here in the Carolinas….whether you’re heading for the mtns—we have hiking boots and fly rods at our sponsor Jesse Brown’s

However, If you’re heading for the coast we have sun protective clothing, nomadix towels, and mikes spikes.

For both places we have camelback reservoirs, sun glasses, & comfy clothing