Drone Retrieval, Tree Climbing, & the Re-Opening of Pisgah National Forest-Ranger District

Segment 2, October 26th, 2024

Tree Climbing Stories  inspired by seeing the tree canopy from a different perspective.  Producer TJ Boggs & Host Bill Bartee share stories about flying drones and climbing trees.
TJ promised to help get a friends drone out of a tree that revived Bill’s memory of attempting to to retrieve his son’s drone when he was eleven years old. .

Charlotte’s local outfitter store  is the sponsor of the Carolina Outdoors

Segment Highlights:

  • Drone recovery happened three years later for Bill due to tree climbing fail
  • TJ’s plan is utilizing another drone to retrieve the lost drone
  • NC State Parks are still closed west of I-77.  Reportedly much of the continued closure for parks is due to resources being sent to help the harshest damaged parks.
  • Pisgah National Forest-Ranger District is now open.

Things You’ll Learn by Listening:

Always be safe climbing a tree.  Especially if you’re an adult

The Carolina Outdoors is powered by the Charlotte fly shop, Jesse Brown’s