Green Race 2021

(From 11.06.21, Segment 2)

Bill Bartee and Wes Lawson, the Outdoor Guys, share the details of the Green Race! Now what is Green Race? It is the largest extreme kayak race in the world and it takes place in the Narrows of the Green River. This year, Green Race is on November 6th and it is the perfect event to watch the best kayakers do their thing while enjoying the Blue Ridge foliage! The races start at 12:00 pm and 5:00 pm is when the awards ceremony begins at The Green River Ranch. Spectators can enjoy the event for free! Although, getting to the Green Race is no walk in the park. Tune into this episode to find out more details!

If you plan on attending the race, we recommend picking up a rain jacket and a pair of Five Fingers for staying dry and keeping ultimate traction on the riverside. You can find them at in-store or at!