Boy Scouts of America continues to expand with MCC-CEO, Mark Turner

September 2nd, 2023, Segment 3

Over 115 years ago an organization began in the UK.  Twenty boys between the ages of 11 to 18 participated in this experimental camp.  Organizer Robert Baden-Powell then published “Scouting for Boys” which has since sold over 100 million copies. Then in 1910, the organization Boy Scouts of America was formed.

Fast forward to 2023 and Scouting now has programs for young people aged 6 to 20 & continues to educate & build adventurers, skilled outdoorspeople, & most importantly citizens & leaders into our future.

Mark Turner, CEO of the Mecklenburg County Council, has been a professional part of the Boy Scouts of America for over thirty years & was the recipient of NC’s highest award, Long Leaf Pine in 2018.  He joins the program & shares the benefits of Scouting.

Turner mentions that what Scouting does for our community & families.  Character, value, morals, leadership training and friendships that last a lifetime built through an outdoor program are part of what propels the Scouting organization.  “Families are hungry for these things, right now”, Turner tells Carolina Outdoor host, Bill Bartee.

When asked about the recent affects on organizations like church’s, fraternal & civic organizations, & others due to the Pandemic & shifting interests of people, Turner says the popularity of being outside tends to benefit BSA.  It also celebrates families spending time with youth & being mentors while building a community.

Although Scouting has grown, it & other organizations have taken hits- many aren’t joining groups as much these days—churches, civic organizations, fraternal organizations are all trying to maintain membership.  One of the ways BSA added to membership was expanding females into dens, packs, & troops.  Reportedly this has been met with wild success locally with many successfully obtaining the prestigious Eagle Scout award.

The longtime CEO of the Mecklenburg County Council speaks on the celebration & success of females in Scouting.  He mentions the girl dens within Cub Scouts, Scouts BSA female troops, & the new female Eagle Scouts, that are representing Scouting so well.

Turner speaks about one of the most special aspects of the Mecklenburg Scouting programs which is the Belk Scout Camp & the ever popular Camp Grimes.  These places are close to Charlotte & enables young people to have a place to pursue badges, activities, & build upon the successes that are offered within Scouts.

Listen to his take on technology, teaching how to be a positive influence & citizenship during a time of civil discourse.

For more information on local Scouting options and programs head over to the website.

This Segment was Sponsored by Mountain Khakis in Charlotte & Charlotte’s Fly Shop, Jesse Brown’s.