Event Announcement from Charlotte Outdoor Store

Segment 4, October 13th, 2023

Announcements from the outdoor store in Charlotte:  Jesse Brown’s will have a men’s pants event in Charlotte with Mountain Khakis.  The Mountain Pant, Camber Pant, & Mitchell Pant & more will be on hand with some cold drinks within the iconic brick-&-mortar fly shop.  The event will include an informational session for people interested in climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro.  Macon Dunnagan, a fifty-time summitter, will be sharing his successes & knowledge on travelling to Tanzania for climbs & safari.

Thanks to our guests:  Jake Rash, Cold Water Research Coordinator, from North Carolina Resource Commission & the Fall Foliage Forcaster from Western Carolina University, Dr. Beverly Collins

From TJ the DJ & Bill Bartee: Make the Carolina Outdoors better than you found it & Pick Up Your Trash.