Outward Bound & NCOBS

(From the May 8th, 2021 Program, Segment 2)

Many times when you hear a certain name you think of a specific activity.  For many, when you hear Outward Bound you immediately think of hiking, backpacking, climbing & camping.  However this famed experiential educational school has a deeper purpose.

Our guest, Alexys J. Taylor comes onto the program to talk about self-improvement, team dynamics, leadership & social responsibilities that also are worked on within the largest & one of the most successful Outward Bound schools, NCOBS.

Taylor is the Charlotte Program Coordinator for NCOBS & oversees The Charlotte Educators Course, The Dalton Scholarship & The Unity Project.  She has a unique perspective after acting as a member of the Charlotte Advisory Board, Program Committee Chair & a graduate of the Unity Project as a student at Vance High School in 2008.

Jesse Brown’s is an outfitter for Outward Bound, The Unity Project & NCOBS, & is excited to be working on the upcoming adventure trips for 2021.