News: New SC State Park & Skiplagging

Segment 4, July 22, 2023

A few things in the news with the Carolina Outdoors:

Six-hundred acres has been acquired for a new state park in South Carolina.  The new park will honor the Catawba Nation in Lancaster County, SC, along the banks of the Catawba River.  The property was sold by the Nisbett family through a transaction secured by the Open Spaces Institute.  Located south of Charlotte, the property is near Van Wyck Road in Lancaster County. It includes a mile of waterfront on the Catawba River.

Airlines are cracking down on the practice of skiplagging.  This is where passengers book a ticket but leave the flight in a connecting city (before it reaches its final, ticketed destination).
The reason for doing this is to save money on certain tickets.  It is not illegal but does violate the carriage requirements of airlines.

Special thanks to Mike McDonald of SurfandSportLakeNorman for joining the program as well as first year course marshall of the 24 Hours of Booty, Tom Pearman.

Wardrobe for the host was provided by the fly shop of Charlotte & incoming back-to-school supplies like the Borealis backpack from Jesse Brown’s.